And what about the crafts? If you make something really cool that you are proud of, I can certainly see posting a picture on FB or even Pinterest. But to post pics of things you like but will probably NEVER make? Why waste the time?
I think my whole problem with Pinterest is that it is just one more way in which we are taking conversation and face time out of our society. Instead of going to a craft store with a friend to figure out what you want or need for the perfect flower arrangement, we post a picture on Pinterest. Instead of spending a day strolling the streets of Charleston window shopping, we "pin" pictures from online stores of things we might like to have one day- and then we comment on them. Oh, and don't even get me started on following people on Pinterest. I MIGHT be interested in following someone who has actually MADE some of these things, but I 'm sorry people, I barely have time to check my email and write this blog, much less look through your posts.
So, I think Pinterest baffles me because other than using it for a reference, I really don't understand why people spend hours creating these pin boards. Maybe it because I like to talk and to actually be with people. OR maybe I am just missing that girly female gene thatmakes you wants to sit and look at all the pretty things I can't afford but would like to have. Who knows? All I know for sure is that you will never see a pin board from me on Pinterest. And if you DO, please call to check on me because I have probably been abducted by aliens!
PS- I REALLY don't get guys who have pin boards on Pinterest. I won't even get started on that!
***Thank you Pinterest for the use of your logo for this post***
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