Have you ever seen" Aladdin"? You know, the Disney movie where the peasant falls in love with the Sultan's princess daughter and overcomes all obstacles to be with her? It is one of my favorite Disney cartoons because I think Robin Williams as Genie is hilarious. I still know all the words to all the songs he sang in the movie. My favorite song, though, is "A Whole New World" which plays while Aladdin and Jasmine- the princess- are riding on the magic carpet, looking down at the beautiful city.
Well, that song has been on my mind this past week. You see, I signed my final settlement papers with The Ex and I am now an officially single woman. Since The Ex and I haven't lived together for several years, this has really made no change in my day to day life. It's been a sad experience, and one that I wish could have turned out differently, but my daily existence is basically the same. Except for one thing.....I keep thinking, "I haven't been this free since I left college".
Now, that may sound like a funny statement since I have 2 children, a job, a mortgage, and a mountain of laundry taller than Mt. McKinley to wash. But the truth is, once again, I am the only person in control of my destiny. I'm beginning to realize that a whole new world is opening up to me. You see, I've kind of been stuck in the same spot for quite some time- not moving forward, not moving back- just stagnant. And now I'm not. While this is certainly not the life I envisioned for myself or my children, I now have a chance at a "redo" of sorts. I get to chart our course from this point on. I could find a new job, I could sell my house, I could date someone...anyone that I choose. I could move to Alaska- with the court's permission :). This whole new exciting world is out there waiting for us and I can't wait to get out there and be a part of it.
As far as plans go, I have some thoughts, but nothing concrete at the moment. What I do know is that I want to go ride an ATV, it's time to get back on a boat, I'd like to learn to play the drums and I want to take an ADULT vacation. These are all things I haven't allowed myself the freedom to do over the last few years. Now, for some reason, I feel like I am allowed to enjoy life- however I choose to- rather than sit around waiting.
So, who knows where my life will end up or who I might even end up with, but there is one thing I know for sure... As the song says, .I won't dare close my eyes becasuse things are only going to get better!